Statutes of the International Hegel-Society

The International Hegel Society is a registered association that aims to foster Hegel’s intellectual heritage, to stimulate critical analysis of his philosophy in its historical development as well as its manifold relations to preceding and subsequent theories, and also to identify its contemporary relevance, particularly through the study of the varieties and applications of the dialectical method associated with Hegel’s name.

The association’s objective is to provide a forum for all scholars actively interested in Hegel in the aforementioned respects. The association’s aims are to be promoted by means of conferences, publications, presentations, discussions, and reports, as well as by personal contact between members.

The association is based in Berlin.

The association is comprised of three branches: General Assembly, Advisory Board, Executive Board.

Starting in 1984, a regular meeting of the General Assembly is to be held every other year. The Executive Board is to issue a written invitation to the members (including the meeting’s agenda), no later than four (4) weeks prior to the event.

It is the responsibility of the General Assembly to approve the activity report issued at each regular meeting by the Executive Board; to elect the Advisory Board, the Executive Board, and (where applicable) an honorary president; and to decide on membership fees and amendments to the statutes.

The Members’ Assembly acts by simple majority and a quorum is formed if it is convened in accordance with the statutes and at least seven (7) of its members are present. Amendments to the statutes require the approval of a two-thirds majority of all members; when voting on amendments, it is permissible to vote by proxy on behalf of absent members.

The Advisory Board is to consist of no more than fifteen (15) persons. It is to be composed of citizens from as many countries as possible. Their function is to promote and represent the association’s activities in their home countries and surroundings and also to support the Executive Board in the pursuit of its aims and the conducting of its business. The Advisory Board meets at the written invitation of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board is to summon the Advisory Board (1) prior to every meeting of the General Assembly; (2) when requested in writing to do so by at least one-third of all the Advisory Board’s members.

The Executive Board consists of three members, who appoint the chairperson from among themselves. The chairperson, together with a further member of the Executive Board, represents the association in any proceedings inside or outside a court of law. Any declaration of intent that is to be given to the association must to be given to the president of the association and to one of the two further members of the Executive Board. Currently [at the time of founding in 1983], the Executive Board consists [consisted] of the following members: Professor Dr. Heinz Kimmerle (Chairman), Professor Dr. Wolfgang Lefèvre, Professor Dr. Rudolf Meyer

The General Assembly and the Advisory Board are to record all decisions in writing and the minutes are to be signed by an Executive Board member.

Any person over 18 who wishes to support the association’s aims is eligible to apply for membership. Legal entities, universities, institutions, and associations are also eligible for membership. Responsibility for deciding upon the admission of new members lies with the Executive Board. In the case of resignation, membership ceases at the end of the calendar year.

Membership dues (which include a subscription to the Hegel Yearbook) have been set at 50 EUR per calendar year. Students and the unemployed are eligible for reduced dues, set at 10 EUR (with optional purchase of the Hegel Yearbook).

In all other respects, the regulations of the German Civil Code shall apply.



Wilhelm Raimund Beyer, Salzburg

Karol Bal, Wroclaw,

Rudolf Meyer, Zürich

Heinz Kimmerle, Rotterdam

Peter Damerow, Berlin

Radomir D. Lukic, Beograd

Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic, Beograd

Miodrag Cekic, Beograd

Hassan Givsan, Darmstadt

Karl Hahn, Aachen

Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Kassel

Jens Brockmeier, Berlin

Johannes Rohbeck, Berlin

Walter E. Ehrhardt, Hannover

Horst Müller, Nürnberg

Wim van Dooren, Utrecht

Nicola De Domenico, Messina

Ivan Soll, Wisconsin

Peter Furth, Berlin

Remo Bodei, Pisa

Andreas Arndt, Berlin

Christof Subik, Klagenfurt

José Maria Ripalda, Madrid

Erika Mann, Bad Gandersheim

Johannes Ehrhardt, Bad Gandersheim

Claus-E. Bärsch, Düsseldorf

Anny Kronenwetter, Nürnberg

Berta Konrad, Nürnberg

Rolf Hörndlein, Erlangen

Peter Günter, Zürich

Arif Caglar, Berlin

Friedrich Tontsch, Berlin

Timothy O’Hagan, Norwich

Mubabinge Bilolo, München

Herman van Erp, Tilburg

Solange Mercier-Josa, Paris

Peter Engelmann, Wien

Harald Boehme, Bremen

Otto Schöpel, Bayerisch-Gmain

Daniel Schulthess, Neuchâtel
